Are you a prospective student wishing to advance your studies at the Federal University of Technology Akure? This is the exact moment that you may have been waiting for. In gaining admission into FUTA postgraduate programme you need to familiarize yourself with the available courses and their requirements. This is a step in the right direction towards achieving that which you seek.
The Federal University of Technology Akure postgraduate programme runs pre-degree science programmes, Short-Term courses, and University Advanced Basic Science programmes. There is more about the FUTA postgraduate courses that candidates need to know. Here on this page, we will bring you all the information that you need to know about the Federal University of Technology Akure postgraduate courses and their requirements.
This page will extensively discuss the list of FUTA postgraduate courses and the criteria that candidates must possess to be eligible for the Federal University of Technology Akure postgraduate programme read this page carefully if you want to discover the FUTA list of postgraduate courses and their requirements.
FUTA Postgraduate Courses
The list of available courses for the FUTA Postgraduate Diploma (PGD), Masters degree (MTech, MEng, MPhil, etc.), and Doctorate (Ph.D.) programs is provided below:
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D)
- Master of Philosophy (M. Phil.) (Architecture and Computer Science only), Master of Agricultural Technology (M. Agric. Tech.), Master of Engineering (M. Eng.) and Master of Technology (M. Tech.)
- Postgraduate Diploma (PGD)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D), Master of Agricultural Technology (M. Agric. Tech.),
- Master of Technology (M.Tech, for only the Department of Food Science and Technology) is available in the following Departments and Options:
Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication Technology (AEC)
PGD Extension and Communication Technology
M. Agric. Tech. Agric. Extension & Communication Technology
- General Extension
- Rural Development
- Rural Sociology
- Technology Transfer
- Communication
Ph. D
- General Extension
- Rural Development
- Rural Sociology
- Technology Transfer
- Communication Technology
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ARE)
Agric. Tech. Agric. Resource Economics
- Production Economics
- Environmental Economics
- Farm Management
- Finance & Marketing
Ph. D
- Production Economics
- Environmental Economics
- Farm Management
- Finance & Marketing
Department of Animal Production and Health (APH)
PGD Animal Production and Health
M. Agric. Tech.
Animal Production
- Agricultural Biochemistry and Nutrition
- Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Animal Production and Management (Poultry, Swine, Sheep and Goat, Rabbit/Micro-livestock)
- Animal Physiology (Reproductive Physiology)
Animal Health
- Animal Parasitology
- Animal Microbiology
- Farm Hygiene and Disease Prevention
Ph. D
Animal Production
- Agricultural Biochemistry and Nutrition
- Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Animal Production and Management (Poultry, Swine, Sheep and Goat, Rabbit/Micro-livestock)
- Animal Physiology
Animal Health
- Animal Parasitology
- Animal Microbiology
- Farm Hygiene and Disease Prevention
Department of Crop, Soil and Pest Management (CSP)
PGD Crop, Soil and Pest Management
M. Agric. Tech.
Crop Management Technology
- Plant Systematics & Taxonomy
- Plant Breeding & Genetics
- Plant Physiology
- Horticulture
- Agronomy
Soil Management Technology
- Soil Fertility
- Fertilizer Use Technology
- Land Survey and Management
- Plant Nutrition
- Soil Survey & Classification
Pest Management Technology
- Crop Entomology
- Plant Pathology
- Nematology
- Plant Virology
- Weed Management
- Weed Biology & Ecology
Crop Management Technology
- Plant Systematics & Taxonomy
- Plant Breeding & Genetics
- Plant Physiology
- Horticulture
- Agronomy
Soil Management Technology
- Soil Fertility
- Fertilizer Use Technology
- Land Survey and Management
- Plant Nutrition
- Soil Survey & Classification
Pest Management Technology
- Crop Entomology
- Plant Pathology
- Nematology
- Plant Virology
- Weed Management
- Weed Biology & Ecology
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology (FAT)
PGD Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology
M. Agric. Tech. Fisheries & Aquaculture Technology
- Aquaculture
- Fisheries Management
- Fish Nutrition
- Fish Breeding
- Fisheries Economics
- Fish Processing & Utilization
Ph.D Fisheries & Aquaculture Technology
- Aquaculture
- Fisheries Management
- Fish Nutrition
- Fish Breeding
- Fisheries Economics
- Fish Processing & Utilization
Department of Ecotourism and Wildlife Management (EWM)
PGD Ecotourism and Wildlife Management
M. Agric. Tech. Ecotourism & Wildlife Management
- Wildlife Management
- Biodiversity Ecology
- Ecotourism Management
- Wildlife Domestication
Ph.D Ecotourism & Wildlife Management
- Wildlife Management
- Biodiversity Ecology
- Ecotourism Management
Department of Forestry & Wood Technology (FWT)
- Forestry and Wood Technology
- Environmental Management
In addition to the above-stated options, students may conduct research in the following areas:
- Herbal Science and Natural Therapeutic
- Biocomposite Technology
- Furniture Design & Production
- Wood Processing Technology
M. Agric. Tech. Forestry & Wood Technology
- Forest Resources Management
- Forest Biology/Silviculture
- Agroforestry/Soils
- Wood Science Technology
- Wood Products Technology
- Forest Inventory & Biometrics
In addition to the above-stated options, students may conduct research in the following areas:
- Herbal Science Natural Therapeutic
- Biocomposite Technology
- Furniture Design & Production
- Wood Processing Technology
Ph.D Forestry & Wood Technology
- Forest Resources Management
- Forest Biology/Silviculture
- Agroforestry/Soils
- Wood Science Technology
- Wood Products Technology
- Forest Inventory & Biometrics
In addition to the above-stated options, students may conduct research in the following areas:
- Herbal Science Natural Therapeutic
- Biocomposite Technology
- Furniture Design & Production
- Wood Processing Technology
Department of Food Science and Technology (FST)
PGD Food Science and Technology
M. Tech. Food Science and Technology
- Food Chemistry
- Human Nutrition
- Food Processing
- Post-Harvest Technology
Ph.D Food Science and Technology
- Food Chemistry
- Human Nutrition
- Food Processing
- Post-Harvest Technology
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D), Master of Engineering (M. Eng.), and Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) programmes are available in the following Departments and Options:
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (AGE)
PGD Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
M. Eng. Agric. and Environmental Engineering
- Farm Power and Machinery
- Soil and Water Engineering
- Processing and Storage Engineering
- Farm Structures and Environmental Control
- Alternative Energy
Ph.D Agric. and Environmental Engineering
- Farm Power and Machinery
- Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
- Post-Harvesting Engineering
- Farm Structures and Environmental Control
- Alternative Energy
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CVE)
PGD Civil and Environmental Engineering
M. Eng. Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
- Construction Engineering
Ph. D Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Highway Maintenance & Rehabilitation Engineering
- Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
- Construction Engineering
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE)
PGD Electrical and Electronics Engineering
M. Eng. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Power Systems Engineering
- Communications Engineering
- Control Engineering
Ph. D Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Power Systems Engineering
- Communications Engineering
- Control Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering (MEE)
PGD Mechanical Engineering
M. Eng. Mechanical Engineering
- Production Engineering
- Industrial Engineering/Operations Research
- Building Services Engineering
- Automotive Engineering
- Energy Systems
- Thermofluids
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
Ph. D Mechanical Engineering
- Production Engineering
- Industrial Engineering/Operations Research
- Building Services Engineering
- Automotive Engineering
- Energy Systems
- Thermofluids
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (MME)
PGD Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
M. Eng. Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- Production/Mechanical Metallurgy
- Physical Metallurgy/Corrosion Engineering
- Materials Engineering
Ph.D Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- Production/Mechanical Metallurgy
- Physical Metallurgy/Corrosion Engineering
- Materials Engineering
Department of Mining Engineering (MNE)
PGD Mining Engineering
M. Eng. Mining Engineering
- Surface Mining
- Underground Mining
- Rock Mechanics
- Mineral Processing
- Mine Management and Mineral Economics
- Mine Safety and Environment
- Mine Surveying & Photogrammetry
Ph. D Mining Engineering
- Surface Mining
- Underground Mining
- Rock Mechanics
- Mineral Processing
- Mine Management and Mineral Economics
- Mine Safety and Environment
- Mine Surveying & Photogrammetry
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D), Master of Philosophy (Architecture) (M. Phil.), Master of Technology (M. Tech.), and Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) programmes are available in the following Departments and Options:
Department of Architecture (ARC)
- PGD Architecture
- Tech. Architecture
- Ph. D. Architecture
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
- PGD Urban and Regional Planning
- Tech. Urban and Regional Planning
- D Urban and Regional Planning
Department of Estate Management (ESM)
PGD Estate Management
Master of Real Estate (MRE) (Professional)
- Land Management
- Facilities Management
- Plant and Machinery Valuation
M. Tech. (Academic)
- Estate Management
Ph. D. Estate Management
Department of Quantity Surveying (QSV)
- Quantity Surveying
- Construction Management
M. Tech. Quantity Surveying
- Cost Management
- Construction Economics
- Quantity Surveying Practices
- Procurement Studies
Department of Industrial Design (IDD)
PGD Industrial Design
- Ceramics Design
- Graphics
- Textile Design
M.Tech. Industrial Design
- Ceramics Design
- Graphics
- Textile Design
Ph. D Industrial Design
- Ceramics Design
- Graphics
- Textile Design
Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics (SVG)
PGD Surveying and Geoinformatics
- Surveying and Geoinformatics
Tech Surveying and Geoinformatics
- Geodesy
- Photogrammetry
- Remote Sensing
- Hydrography
- Geoinformatics
Surveying and Geoinformatics
- Geodesy
- Photogrammetry
- Remote Sensing
- Hydrography
- Geoinformatics
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D), Master of Technology (M. Tech.), and Postgraduate Diploma Programmes are available in the following Departments and Options:
Department of Applied Geology (AGY)
PGD Applied Geology
Tech. Applied Geology
- Mineral Exploration
- Remote Sensing
- Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
- Petroleum and Sedimentary Geology
Ph. D Applied Geology
- Remote Sensing
- Hydrogeology
- Engineering Geology
- Petroleum Geology
- Sedimentology
- Structural Geology
Department of Applied Geophysics (AGP)
PGD Exploration Geophysics
M. Tech. Exploration Geophysics
- Petroleum Exploration
- Mining Geophysics
- Groundwater/Environmental/ Engineering Geophysics
Ph. D Exploration Geophysics
- Petroleum Exploration
- Mining Geophysics
- Groundwater/Environmental/ Engineering Geophysics
Department of Meteorology & Climate Science (MCS)
PGD Meteorology
M. Tech. Meteorology
- Numerical Weather Forecasting
- Agrometeorology
Ph. D Meteorology
- Numerical Weather Forecasting
- Synoptic Meteorology
- Aviation Meteorology
- Satellite Meteorology
- Air Pollution Meteorology
- Agrometeorology
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D), Master of Technology (M. Tech.), and Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) programmes are available in the following Departments and Options:
Department of Project Management Technology (PMT)
PGD Project Management Technology
M. Tech.
- Project Management Technology
- Management Sciences
Ph.D. Project Management Technology
- Project Management Technology
- Management Sciences
Department of Transport Management Technology (TMT)
PGD Transport Management Technology
Tech. Transport Management Technology
- Land Transport Management
- Maritime Transport Management
- Air Transport Management
Ph. D. Transport Management Technology
- Land Transport Management Technology
- Maritime Transport Management Technology
- Air Transport Management Technology
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) and Master of Technology (M.Tech.), and Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) programmes are available in the following Departments and Options:
Department of Biochemistry (BCH)
PGD Biochemistry
- Applied Biochemistry
- Clinical Biochemistry
M. Tech. Applied Biochemistry
- Enzymology
- Microbial Biochemistry
- Food/Nutritional Biochemistry
- Toxicology
Ph. D Biochemistry
- Enzymology
- Microbial Biochemistry
- Food/Nutritional Biochemistry
- Toxicology
Department of Biology (BIO)
M. Tech. Biology
- Food Storage Technology
- Applied Parasitology
- Environmental Biology and Public Health
Ph. D. Biology
- Applied Parasitology
- Storage Microbiology
- Storage Entomology/Applied Entomology
Department of Microbiology (MCB)
PGD Microbiology
- Food Microbiology
- Medical Microbiology
M. Tech. Microbiology
- Food Microbiology
- Environmental Microbiology
- Medical Microbiology
Ph.D Microbiology
- Food Microbiology
- Environmental Microbiology
- Medical Microbiology
Department of Chemistry (CHE)
PGD Industrial Chemistry
M. Tech. Chemistry (Academic)
- Analytical Chemistry
- Industrial Chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry
Ph. D
- Analytical Chemistry
- Industrial Chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry
- Food Chemistry
- Polymer Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
Department of Mathematical Sciences (MTS)
M. Tech. Industrial Mathematics
- Dynamics of Structure (Solid Mechanics)
- Numerical Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE)
- Fluid Mechanics
- Optimal Control
Ph. D Mathematics
- Dynamics of Structure (Solid Mechanics)
- Numerical Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE)
- Fluid Mechanics
- Optimal Control
Department of Computer Science (CSC)
- PGD Computer Science
- M. Tech. Computer Science
- Ph.D. Computer Science
Department of Physics (PHY)
PGD Physics Electronics
M. Tech.
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation
- Communication Physics
- Radiation and Health/Medical Physics
- Lower Atmospheric Physics
Ph. D
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation
- Communication Physics
- Radiation and Health/Medical Physics
- Lower Atmospheric Physics
Department of Statistics (STA)
PGD Statistics
M. Tech. Statistics
Ph.D. Statistics
- Econometrics
- Mathematical Statistics
- Operations Research
Department of Statistics (STA)
PGD Statistics
M. Tech. Statistics
Ph. D. Statistics
- Econometrics
- Mathematical Statistics
- Operations Research
In addition to the above, students for M. Tech and Ph. D degree programmes may conduct research in the following areas:
- Experimental Design
- Multivariate Analysis
- Quality Control and Technometrics
- Time Series Analysis
- Sampling Techniques
FUTA Postgraduate Admission Requirements
The following are the general requirements for all courses offered at the Federal University of Technology Akure. Prospective candidates are advised to review these requirements carefully before applying for their chosen programme.
- Five (5) credit passes including English Language and Mathematics in WAEC, NECO, GCE, NABTEB, and other equivalents in not more than two 2 sittings.
- Candidates for the Postgraduate Diploma must have a bachelor’s degree certificate.
- PhD candidates must have a bachelor’s degree certificate and a master’s degree certificate.
- Candidates with third class certificate are not accepted for admission
- All candidates must meet their various departmental admission requirements
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the faculties offering postgraduate programs at FUTA?
Faculties include Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture, and Technology.
What are the general requirements for FUTA postgraduate admission?
A bachelor’s degree with at least a second-class lower division is required.
Are there part-time postgraduate programs?
Yes, FUTA offers both part-time and full-time postgraduate options.
What is the duration of a master’s program?
Master’s programs typically last 1–2 years.
How do I access the full list of postgraduate courses?
Visit the FUTA postgraduate school website for the complete list.
What is the cost of the application form?
The application form costs ₦20,000.
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