This article is directly to provide information on the list of all the OAU postgraduate courses and their requirements. All aspirants of OAU and interested individuals who are pleased to know the list of the postgraduate courses offered at the Obafemi Awolowo University should read through the article carefully.
For postgraduate programme, OAU offers a variety of courses. The National Universities Commission (NUC) has approved all postgraduate courses offered at Obafemi Awolowo University. To enroll in the OAU Postgraduate program, candidates need to be aware of the courses that the university offers.
An accurate outline of the Obafemi Awolowo University postgraduate courses is provided on this page. If you are a candidate who is interested in enrolling in the postgraduate programme at OAU we urge you to get acquainted with these pieces of information. Here is a list of the postgraduate courses that Obafemi Awolowo University offers. In addition to the course list, we have also included the general requirements for all courses. Learn more about this information by reading on.
Obafemi Awolowo University Postgraduate Courses
OAU accredited Postgraduate courses and programmes are as follows:
Dept of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning |
M.Ed (Adult Education) |
M.A (Adult Education) |
Ph.D. (Adult Education) |
Dept of African Institute For Science Policy And Innovation (AISPI) |
EMICTPR (Executive Masters of Technology in ICT Policy and Regulations) |
EMTM (Executive Masters in Technology Management) |
M.Tech. (Technology Management) |
M.Sc. (Technology Management) |
Ph.D (Technology Management) |
Dept of Agric. Ext. & Rural Sociology |
M.Sc. |
M.Sc. (Agricultural Communication) |
M.Phil. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Agricultural Economics |
PGD Agribusiness |
Master’s Degree in Agribusiness (MAB) |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Agricultural Engineering |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Anatomy |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil (Anatomy) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Animal Science |
M.Sc |
M.Phil. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Architecture – 2022/2023 Harmattan |
M.Sc. |
Masters in Interior Design (Executive) |
M.Phil. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Arts and Social Science Education |
M.Ed. Curriculum Studies (Arts Option) |
M.A . Ed. (Religious Studies) |
M.A. Ed. (English) |
M.A. Ed. (Fine and Applied Arts) |
M.A. Ed. (French) |
M.A. Ed. (History) |
M.A. Ed. (Music) |
M.A. Ed. (Social Studies) |
M.A. Ed. (Yoruba) |
M.A.Ed. (Curriculum Studies) |
M.A.Ed. (Language Arts) |
M.Sc. Ed. (Economics) |
M.Sc. Ed. (Geography) |
M.Sc. Ed. (Political Science) |
M. Phil. Ed. (Curriculum studies) |
M. Phil. Ed. (Social Science Education) |
M. Phil. Ed. (Social Studies) |
M.Phil (Language Education) |
Ph.D. (Language Education) |
Ph.D. (Social Science Education) |
Ph.D. Ed. Curriculum Studies (Arts Option) |
Dept of Biochemistry |
M.Sc. |
M. Phil. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Botany |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil (Botany) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Building |
M.Sc. in Building Maintenance |
M.Sc. in Building Services |
M.Sc. in Building Structures |
M.Sc. in Construction Management |
M.Phil. in Building Maintenance |
M.Phil. in Building Services |
M.Phil. in Building Structures |
M.Phil. in Construction Management |
Ph.D. in Building Maintenance |
Ph.D. in Building Services |
Ph.D. in Building Structures |
Ph.D. in Construction Management |
Centre for Gender and Social Policy Studies |
PGD (Gender and Development) |
M.Sc. (Gender and Development) |
Ph.D. (Gender and Development) |
Centre for Industrial Research & Development |
PGD (Entrepreneurship Development) |
Dept of Chemical Engineering |
M.Sc. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Chemical Pathology |
M.Sc. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Chemistry |
M.Phil. Analytical Chemistry |
M.Phil. Inorganic Chemistry |
M.Phil. Organic Chemistry |
M.Phil. Physical Chemistry |
M.Sc. (Applied Chemistry) |
M.Sc. (Chemistry) |
M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry |
M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry |
M.Sc. Organic Chemistry |
M.Sc. Physical Chemistry |
M.Phil (Applied Chemistry) |
M.Phil (Chemistry) |
Ph.D (Applied Chemistry) |
Ph.D (Chemistry) |
Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry |
Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry |
Ph.D. Organic Chemistry |
Ph.D. Physical Chemistry |
Dept of Civil Engineering |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Community Health |
Executive Masters of Public Health (MPH) |
Masters of Public Health(MPH) |
M.Phil. (Public Health) |
PhD. (Public Health) |
Dept of Computer Science |
PGD (Computer Science) |
EMIT (Executive Masters in Information Technology) |
M.Sc. (Computer Engineering) |
M.Sc. (Computer Science) |
M.Sc. (Information Systems) |
M.Sc. (Intelligent Systems Engineering) |
M.Sc. (Software Engineering) |
M.Tech. (Executive Masters in Information Technology) |
M.Phil. (Computer Engineering) |
M.Phil. (Computer Science) |
M.Phil. (Information Systems) |
M.Phil. (Intelligent Systems Engineering) |
M.Phil. (Software Engineering) |
Ph.D (Computer Science) |
Ph.D. (Computer Engineering) |
Ph.D. (Information Systems) |
Ph.D. (Intelligent Systems Engineering) |
Ph.D. (Software Engineering) |
Dept of Crop Production and Protection |
M.Sc |
M.Phil. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Demography & Social Statistics |
Masters in Demography and Social Statistics |
M.Sc |
M.Phil (Demography and Social Statistics) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Dramatic Arts |
PGD (Dramatic Art) |
M.A. |
M.Phil |
P.hD. |
Dept of Drug Research & Production Unit |
PGD (Phytomedicines) |
M.Sc. (Phytomedicines) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Economics – 2022/2023 Harmattan |
PGD (Economics) |
Executive Master of Economics Science |
Master of Professional Economics (Executive) |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil (Economics) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Educational Foundations and Counselling |
M.Ed. |
M.A. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling) |
M.A. Ed. (History of Education) |
M.A. Ed. (Philosophy of Education) |
M.A. Ed. (Psychology of Education) |
M.A. Ed. (Sociology of Education) |
M.A. Ed. (Test and Measurement ) |
M.Phil |
M.Phil. (Guidance and Counselling) |
M.Phil. (History of Education) |
M.Phil. (Philosophy of Education) |
M.Phil. (Psychology of Education) |
M.Phil. (Sociology of Education) |
M.Phil. (Test and Measurement ) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Educational Management |
M.Ed (Educational Planning) |
M.Ed (Educational Administration) |
M.Ed (Higher Educational Administration) |
M.A. Education (Educational Administration) |
M.A. Education (Higher Educational Administration) |
M.A.Education (Educational Planning) |
M.Phil. Management Information System |
M.Phil. Economics of Education |
M.Phil. Educational Administration |
M.Phil. Educational Planning |
M.Phil. Higher Educational Administration |
M.Phil. Human Resource Management in Education |
Ph.D. Economics of Education |
Ph.D. Education (Educational Administration) |
Ph.D. Education (Educational Planning) |
Ph.D. Education (Higher Educational Administration) |
Ph.D. Human Resources Management in Education |
Ph.D. Management Information System in Education |
Ph.D. Management Information Systems in Education |
Dept of Educational Technology and Library Studies |
M.Ed Educational Technology |
M.Ed. e-Learning |
M.A. Educational Technology |
M.A.Ed. e-Learning |
M.Phil. Educational Technology |
Ph.D. Educational Technology |
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering |
PGD in Energy Systems Science and Engineering |
Master of Technology in Energy Systems Science and Engineering |
M.Phil. in Energy Systems Science and Engineering |
M.Sc. (Electronic and Electrical Engineering) |
M.Sc. in Energy Systems Science and Engineering |
M.Phil. (Electronic and Electrical Engineering) |
Ph.D (Electronic and Electrical Engineering) |
Ph.D. in Energy Systems Science and Engineering |
Dept of English |
M.A. |
M.A. (Literature in English) |
M.Phil |
M.Phil. (Literature in English) |
P.hD. (Literature in English) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Estate Management |
PGD Estate Management |
EMRS (Executive Masters in Real Estate) |
Masters in Real Estate Business Management (Executive) |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil (Estate Management) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Fine Arts |
M.F.A. |
M.A. |
M.Phil |
Ph.D |
Dept of Food Science & Technology |
PGD (Food Science & Technology) |
M.Sc. (Food Science & Technology) |
M.Phil (Food Science & Technology) |
Ph.D (Food Science and Technology) |
Dept of Foreign Languages |
M.A (Comparative Literature) |
M.A. (French Language and Linguistics) |
M.A. German Lang. & Linguistics |
M.A. Lit. in Portuguese |
M.A. Portuguese Lang. & Linguistics |
M.A.(African Lit. in French) |
M.A.(French Literature) |
M.A.(Lusophone Area Studies) |
M.Phil (African Lit. in French) |
M.Phil (Comparative Literature) |
M.Phil (French Literature) |
M.Phil. (French Language and Linguistics) |
M.Phil. German Lang & Linguistics |
M.Phil. Lit. in Portuguese |
M.Phil. Portuguese Lang & Linguistics |
M.Phil.(Lusophone Area Studies) |
Ph.D (African Lit. in French) |
Ph.D (Comparative Literature) |
Ph.D (French Lang. and Lit.) |
Ph.D. (French Language and Linguistics) |
Ph.D. German Lang. & Linguistics |
Ph.D. Lit. in Portuguese |
Dept of Geography |
M.GIS & Remote Sensing |
Masters in Geographic Information Systems (Executive) |
M.Sc |
M.Sc. in Space Population Studies |
M.Sc. (Remote Sensing and GIS) |
M.Sc. in Disaster Monitoring and Management |
M.Phil. (Geography) |
M.Phil. (Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System) |
Ph.D |
Ph.D. (Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System) |
Dept of Geology |
M.Sc. (Applied Geophysics) |
M.Sc.(Applied Geology) |
M.Phil (Applied Geology) |
M.Phil. (Applied Geophysics) |
P.hD (Applied Geophysics) |
Ph.D (Applied Geology) |
Dept of Haematology and Immunology |
M.Sc. Immunology |
M.Phil (Immunology) |
PhD (Immunology) |
Dept of History |
M.A (African History) |
M.A (Diplomatic History) |
M.A (Economic History) |
M.Phil |
Ph.D (History) |
Institute of Ecology and Environmental Studies |
PGD (Ecology) |
Executive Masters in Environmental Control and Management |
M.Sc.(Environmental Control and Management) |
Ph.D (Environmental Control and Management) |
Institute of Education |
PGD (Education) |
M.Ed (Early Childhood) |
M.Ed in Integrated Science |
M.Ed Social Studies |
M.A. (Ed) in Integrated Science |
M.A. Ed Social Studies |
M.A.Ed(Early Childhood Education) |
M.Phil. Ed. Social Studies |
M.Phil (Ed) in Early Childhood Development |
M.Phil. (Ed) in Integrated Science |
Ph.D (Ed) in Integrated Science |
Ph.D (Ed) in Early Childhood Development |
Ph.D (Ed) in Integrated Science |
Ph.D. Ed. Social Studies |
Dept of International Relations |
PGD (International Relations) |
Masters in International Relations |
M.Sc. |
Ph.D (International Relations) |
Dept of Law |
LL.M |
M.Phil. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Linguistics and African Language |
M.A. Linguistics |
M.A. Yoruba Language |
M.A. Yoruba Linguistics |
M.A. Yoruba Literature |
M.Phil. Yoruba Language |
M.Phil. Yoruba Linguistics |
M.Phil. Yoruba Literature |
M.Phil. Linguistics |
Ph.D. Linguistics |
Ph.D. Yoruba Language |
Ph.D. Yoruba Linguistics |
Ph.D. Yoruba Literature |
Dept of Local Government and Development Studies |
Master of Local Government and Development Studies |
Dept of Local Government Studies – 2022/2023 Harmattan |
PGD Local Government and Development Studies |
MPhil Local Government and Development Studies |
MSc Local Government and Development Studies |
PhD Local Government and Development Studies |
Dept of Management and Accounting |
PGD (Financial Management) |
PGD (Management Studies) |
Executive Master in Business Administration |
Master in Business Administration (Regular) |
M.Sc. (Accounting) |
M.Sc. (Business Administration) |
M.Phil (Business Administration) |
Ph.D (Accounting) |
Ph.D (Business Administration) |
Dept of Materials Science and Engineering |
Master in Subsea Engineering (M, SSE) |
M.Sc in Nanotechnology and Structured Materials |
M.Sc. (Material Science and Engineering) |
M.Phil. (Material Science and Engineering) |
Ph.D (Material Science and Engineering) |
Dept of Mathematics |
EMAS (Executive Masters in Actuarial Science) |
Master of Actuarial Science |
M.Sc (Statistics) |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil (Mathematics) |
M.Phil (Statistics) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Mechanical Engineering |
M.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering) |
M.Phil. (Mechanical Engineering) |
Ph.D (Mechanical Engineering) |
Dept of Medical Microbiology & Parasitology |
M.Sc. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Medical Rehabilitation |
M.Sc. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Mental Health |
Master of Clinical Psychology |
Ph.D (Clinical Psychology) |
Ph.D (Psychiatry) |
Dept of Microbiology |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil |
Ph.D |
Dept of Music |
M.A. |
M.Phil (Music) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Natural History Museum |
M.C.S.(Conservation Science) |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil (Biosystematics) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Nursing |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil (Nursing) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Ophthalmology |
M.Phil. Ophthalmology |
M.Sc. Ophthalmology |
Ph.D. Ophthalmology |
Dept of Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
M.Sc. (Pharmaceutical Analysis) |
M.Sc. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) |
M.Phil. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) |
Ph.D (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) |
Dept of Pharmaceutics |
M.Sc. (Pharmaceutics) |
M.Phil (Pharmaceutics) |
Ph.D (Pharmaceutics) |
Dept of Pharmacognosy |
M.Sc. (Pharmacognosy) |
M.Phil (Pharmacognosy) |
Ph.D (Pharmacognosy) |
Dept of Pharmacology |
M.Sc. (Pharmacology) |
M.Phil (Pharmacology) |
Ph.D (Pharmacology) |
Dept of Pharmacy |
Pharmacy Administration |
Pharmacy Administration (M.Phil) |
Pharmacy Administration (Ph.D) |
Dept of Philosophy |
M.A |
M.Phil |
Ph.D |
Dept of Physical Education |
M.Ed. |
M.A. |
Ph.D |
Dept of Physics |
PGD (Physics) |
PGD Applied Physics |
M.Phil (Health Physics & Environment) |
M.Phil (Materials Science) |
M.Phil (Medical Physics) |
M.Phil (Nuclear Science & Engineering) |
M.Sc (Health Physics & Environment) |
M.Sc (Materials Science) |
M.Sc (Medical Physics) |
M.Sc (Nuclear Science and Engineering) |
M.Sc. (Engineering Physics) |
M.Sc. (Nuclear Science and Engineering) |
M.Sc. (Physics) |
M.Phil (Engineering Physics) |
M.Phil. (Physics) |
Ph.D (Engineering Physics) |
Ph.D (Health Physics & Environment) |
Ph.D (Materials Science) |
Ph.D (Medical Physics) |
Ph.D (Nuclear Science & Engineering) |
Ph.D (Physics) |
Dept of Physiology |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil (Physiological Sciences) |
Ph.D (Physiology) |
Dept of Political Science |
M.P.S |
M.Sc (with Thesis) in Political Science |
Master of Political Science (M.P.S.) with Long Essay |
Ph.D (Political Science) |
Dept of Preventive and Community Dentistry |
Master of Dental Implantology (Executive) |
Masters of Dental Public Health |
Dept of Psychology |
EMMP (Executive Masters in Managerial Psychology) |
Masters in Managerial Psychology |
M.Sc |
Ph.D |
Dept of Public Administration |
PGD (Public Administration) |
EMPA (Executive Master’s in Public Administration) |
Master of Public Administration |
M.Sc. (Public Administration) |
Ph.D (Public Administration) |
Dept of Quantity Surveying |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil (Quantity Surveying) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Religious Studies |
M.A. |
M.Phil (Religious Studies) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Science and Technology Education |
M. Ed.Curriculum Studies (Science Option) |
M.Ed in Integrated Science |
M. Sc. Ed. (Botany) |
M. Sc. Ed. (Chemistry) |
M. Sc. Ed. (Curriculum Studies) |
M. Sc. Ed. (Mathematics) |
M. Sc. Ed. (Physics) |
M. Sc. Ed. (Zoology) |
M.A. (Ed) in Integrated Science |
M.Phil. (Ed) in Integrated Science |
Ph. D. Curriculum Studies (Science Option) |
Dept of Sociology and Anthropology |
PGD (Social Work and Social Development) |
Master of Industrial and Labour Relations (Executive) |
M.Sc |
Ph.D |
Dept of Soil Science |
M.Sc |
M.Phil |
Ph.D |
Dept of Surveying and Geoinformatics – |
M.Sc. Geospatial Information Production and Land Administration (M.Sc. GISLA) |
M.Sc. Geospatial Information Production and Management (M.Sc. GIPM) |
Dept of Urban and Regional Planning |
PGD – Housing and Urban Renewal Processes |
PGD – Landscape Planning |
PGD – Planning Process and Waste Management |
PGD – Transportation Planning |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil (Urban and Regional Planning) |
Ph.D |
Dept of Zoology |
M.Sc. |
M.Phil. |
Ph.D |
OAU Postgraduate Course Requirements
These are the general requirements for every course offered at Obafemi Awolowo University. Before applying for a course of study, candidates must familiarize themselves with these requirements. Here are the requirements below
- Five (5) credit passes including English Language and Mathematics in WAEC, NECO, GCE, NABTEB, and other equivalents in not more than two 2 sittings.
- Candidates for the Postgraduate Diploma must have a bachelor’s degree certificate.
- PhD candidates must have a bachelor’s degree certificate and a master’s degree certificate.
- Candidates with third class certificate are not accepted for admission
- All candidates must meet their various departmental admission requirements
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the requirements for admission into OAU postgraduate programs?
A minimum of a second-class lower degree for Master's and relevant qualifications for Ph.D.
Does OAU offer professional postgraduate programs?
Yes, programs such as MBA, MPA, and PGD are available.
Are there part-time postgraduate programs at OAU?
Yes, some programs are available on a part-time basis.
What is the duration of OAU postgraduate programs?
Master’s programs typically last 1–2 years, while Ph.D. programs last 3–5 years.
Can HND holders apply for OAU postgraduate programs?
Yes, but they must enroll in PGD programs before proceeding to a Master’s degree.
Where can I find the list of OAU postgraduate courses?
Visit the OAU Postgraduate College website for detailed information.
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